
GoingUI code structure


Powerful lightweight web UI framework for components, SPAs and whatever else. Write JavaScript, not framework.

How do I start using GoingUI?

Add GoingUI to your project with <script src = 'going-ui.js'></script> and start using it by creating a new instance with var gapp = new GoingUI().

What's it for? When would I use it?


Let's say you're building a digital scrapbook. It's going to be filled with photos and text boxes with descriptions of the photos. There's a bunch of ways you could do this. You could write the HTML for one photo, then copy and paste it, but that will get messy on the page fast, and if you want to make a change to the format, you'll need to change it for each one. Let's say we want to do it with JavaScript, say, populating the photos on the page from JSON. Here's how you might do it in pure JavaScript.

    <div id = 'scrapbook'></div>

        //Div to hold the photo and description
        let photoHolder = document.createElement("div");

        //The image element for the photo
        let photo = document.createElement("img");
        photo.src = 'momsbirthday.png';

        //Description of the photo
        let desc = document.createElement("span");
        desc.innerHTML = "Picture of mom on her birthday.";

        //Add it to the scrapbook

This works, but it's a lot of code to do something very simple. It gets even more complicated if we need to add styles, classes, ids, and anything else. This is where web frameworks come in, and GoingUI is one such framework. Why use GoingUI over, say, React? Because you want to write JavaScript, not React. Here are two ways you could acomplish the above using GoingUI.

1: JSON style

    <div id = 'scrapbook'></div>

        //Register a component called 'photo'
        gapp.register("photo", {
            "element": `
                <div class = 'photoHolder'>
                    <img class = 'photo' data-gofield = 'image'>
                    <span class = 'desc' data-gofield = 'desc'></span>

        //Add photo to the scrapbook with the properties filled in.
            gapp.create("photo", {
                "image": { "src": "momsbirthday.png" },
                "desc": { "innerHTML": "Picture of mom on her birthday." }

2: HTML style

    <div id = 'scrapbook'></div>

    <div class = 'photoHolder' data-goui = 'photo'>
        <img class = 'photo' data-gofield = 'image'>
        <span class = 'desc' data-gofield = 'desc'></span>

        //Creates a component from the photo HTML element and removes it from the DOM.

        //Add photo to the scrapbook with the properties filled in.
            gapp.create("photo", {
                "image": { "src": "momsbirthday.png" },
                "desc": { "innerHTML": "Picture of mom on her birthday." }

Data binding

GoingUI supports basic two way data binding. Here's an example.

Input field (gobind):

<!-- The innerHTML of the span will automagically change to whatever the contents of the text input are because the input box has a gobind of "name" and the span has a JSON innerHTML property of "name". -->
<input type = 'text' data-gobind = 'name'>
<span data-gomodel = '{"innerHTML":"name"}'></span>

JavaScript (update method):

<span data-gomodel = '{"innerHTML":"name"}'></span>

    //Setting the value of 'name' using the update method will automatically set the innerHTML of the span
    gapp.set({"name":"Sal Lami"});

You can set just about any valid DOM property:

<!-- Type a valid HTML color into the text input and the span text will change color! -->
<input type = 'text' data-gobind = 'textColor'>
<span data-gomodel = '{"style":{"color":"textColor"}}'></span>

Can GoingUI be used to create entire SPAs?

Yes, and it has been! But that documentation is coming soon.

If I need help or want to tell the creator he's a jerk, who should I contact?

[email protected]

GoingUI is a lightweight framework for building user interfaces, or whatever else, with reusable templates and components. It’s designed to work with the DOM, and not replace it, ie, keep you as close to native JS as possible.