Godot Fun

Here’s some clips highlighting some work I did in Godot for a project I was making with a friend of mine.

This represents an unfinished product (as you will quickly be able to tell from the clips). The goal here was to get familiar with Godot and to iterate through a variety of different combat systems. The game was an RTS, where each unit on the screen represented a caravan of characters. Each of those characters had a race, a class, an inventory, and an ability list. Abilities could either be granted to a unit based on their class or from an item. Abilities effects were drawn from the character’s stat lists (so a strength based ability would scale in effect with strength). Abilities could target others, target self, target friendly, target multiple, etc. Have a look at the combat test iterations. By v3, all of this is fully realized.

Environment/shader work


Ortho perspective joystick controls and surface based sounds for footsteps.


Godot combat tests v0


Godot combat tests v1


Godot combat tests v2

Godot combat tests v3

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