Teatime Samurai Remastered Devlog: Adding Impact

In the list of blatant things that I missed when I first released Teatime Samurai is attack animations and impact sounds attached to those animations.

In my defense, timing things to animations is not something Game Maker 1.4 does out of the box, like, at all. To tie anything to an animation you need to know the frame and match the image_index to the frame. If your image_speed is higher than the frame or if the frame isn’t divisible by the image_speed, it will never hit.  So there’s a little bit of finagling that needs to happen behind the scenes to make this work.

We’ve always had impact sound effects (inspired by the very goofy and over the top impact sounds from martial arts films), but they have until this point been tied to the collision with an enemy. So simultaneously you get the player “ow” sound, with the punch sound, whenever the player comes in contact with an enemy. It’s clear to a player what’s going on, but it really lacks weight and it doesn’t feel quite right.

So I’m going through every enemy, and for all the ones that don’t have attack animations I’m adding an attack animation, and for the ones that do, I’m adding impact sound effects tied to the attack animation frame.

Below is a video with a before/after on some early work on the new sprites/timing. I think it makes a big difference!

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