The far north once boasted one of the great enclaves of elves. Their city has long since withered, but the portal connecting theirs with the enchanted el’tora cannot be closed. You, like many heroes before you, swear guardianship the portal.

Defend the portal to the Elven city.

Players choose their hero, each with unique abilities and properties.

Towers are your first line of defense from the hordes of the north.

Don't let your portal get overrun!
Defenders of Aenix is a Warcraft III custom game in the tradition of classic hero defense maps. Players choose a custom hero, each with its own abilities and properties, and take on wave after wave of enemies. Players have a limited number of lives, and lose one life every time an enemy enters the portal. Killing enemies gives players XP, which lets them level up and choose new abilities or upgrade their existing ones.